Monday, December 16, 2013

Why Do We Continue to Believe Them?

Eating, drinking, working and creating are spirit-related matters. By these activities we sustain our spiritedness, our lives. 

Who told us that we do not need to pay attention to how or where our food is grown or what is in it as long as it looks and tastes good?

Who told us that buying all our food and eating it canned, frozen, or chemically preserved the whole year-round is so much better for us than raising our own food at little cost and eating it fresh from our own gardens when it's in season?

Why did we believe them?

Who told us that we do not need to be all that concerned about what we drink as long as it looks and tastes good? See all the little bubbles and fizz? Taste how sweet it is? 

Who told us that buying all kinds of drinks in bottles and cans is so much better for us than drinking that free, tasteless, colorless, fresh spring water?

Why did we believe them?

Who told us that working for others in factories and office buildings is so much better than working on our own land and in our own shops supporting ourselves and our neighbors? 

Who told us that living relatively sedentary lives indoors entertaining ourselves with mass market consumer stuff is so much better than telling our own stories, making our own music, singing our own songs, and creating our own gifts and goods?

Why did we believe them?

What effect has believing them had on our spirits?

Why do we continue to believe them?

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