Thursday, December 5, 2013

Visitor or Resident?

Have you ever noticed that visitors often do not care for places as well as residents do?
Many believe they are just visitors on this planet. This is not their true home. They're just passing through, on their way to a better place beyond.

Aren't these the same folks who habitually consume more than they need, clear cut forests, strip mine mountain tops, frack the earth, burn coal and oil, dump chemicals and other waste in rivers and oceans, exterminate entire species, enslave other animals and their own kind, and kill each other in wars of acquisition?

They are. I live among them. I'm complicit with them even as I seek to liberate myself from their life-denying ways.

Have you ever noticed how those who believe in Earth as their mother and true home live different lives, more in harmony with and respectful of the land, water, wind, and all living beings?

They aren't just passing through on their way to a better place beyond. This is their true home. They are from Earth, sustained by Earth, and to Earth they return. They're permanent residents here.  Everyone around is their neighbor. They do their best to be good neighbors with all. My heart is with them.

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