Wednesday, December 18, 2013

I Believe in Survival Training

The fundamental desire of the spirit in every healthy living being is to live. Fundamental to living is surviving. 

Consider the trees and all other plants. They're about surviving so that they can become what they're meant to become. The same is true of animals, including us humans. We spend most of our life doing what we need to do to survive. We work to eat, drink, and protect ourselves from what might harm us so that we can become what we're meant to become.

It is easy for some of us humans to lull ourselves into a false sense of security and believe falsely that we're somehow immune to earth quakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, fires, epidemics, power outages, drinking water contamination or shortage, chemical spills, breaks in food supplies being delivered to our local grocery, public mass shootings, robberies, and other kinds of events that could expose, injure, infect, or kill us.

We do well to acquire basic survival skills. We do well to know how to protect and provide for ourselves and to teach our children to do the same. 


Because our lives matter. 

We're spirited, alive. The fundamental desire of the spirit within us is to remain alive. We owe it to the spirit that makes us alive to do all we can to keep living. 

When we do not believe in surviving and living so that we can become what we're meant to become, something is wrong. When we live in soci-economic system that nurtures a false sense of security and weakens our survival skills, something is wrong. Something spirit-related is wrong. Our spirit is not healthy.

I believe in spirit. I believe in living. I believe in having the basic skills of survival that enable us to remain spirited and become who we are meant to become. I rejoice when I meet others who feel the same way.   

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