Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Great Mystery of Sex, Part 2

Why are the living, the spirited, "driven" to sex?

Some have sex with many others. Some have sex with only one for their whole adult life. Others have no sex at all. Why the variety of ways?

Why have some developed restrictions with regard to sex- who can have sex with whom, when and how? Are they about producing the best off-spring? Are they expressions of power? Fear?

How did we humans become so mentally and emotionally conflicted about something so natural as sex? What perpetuates our conflictedness?  How do we liberate  ourselves from it?

Many perform elaborate rituals before they join in sex- strutting, deferring, calling, cooing. Why?

Why do so many of the living have sex for reasons other than reproduction - for pleasure, comfort, bonding, distraction, escape, manipulation, or dominance? 

Has sex always been so complicated? Does it have to continue to be?


  1. Very good questions. I think that the act of sex is complicated because of the privacy of the parts involved physically. I mean if you really think about what we do during sex to one another. It's fascinating the games we play and the mask we put on. Yet we are all for the most all the same.

    1. Hey Rob! Thanks for commenting. Your comment raises more questions for me. Where did some of us humans get the notion that our genitals are supposed to be "private", hidden away, and covered up? There are groups that do not live this way. Also, when I look at all of the other animals I do not see the same issues, concerns, and complexities. Well, some of the pre-sex rituals are complex. I cannot help but wonder if the "complications" some of us humans have created are symptoms of an underlying unhealthiness.

      Yes, the games we play and the masks we wear are fascinating!
