Sunday, November 17, 2013

Knowledge and Belief or Wonder and Curiosity?

The previous posts raise a few of the questions we can ask about the great mysteries of life, death and sex. More important than answering the questions is allowing the questions to have their way with us. 

Let's not pretend to know the answers. Rather than knowledge we have beliefs. Wonder and curiosity are better. 

Wonder and curiosity trump knowledge and belief every time.


  1. I had the opportunity to reflect on your wonderful essays on Life, Death and Sex as I read a piece in the current issue of Science News. It would seem that science has discovered why we sleep. Or at least part of why we sleep. Apparently it's like turning the hose on one's garage floor, cleaning out all that accumulated sand and debris, and instead of going down the sewer drain, it flushes into the liver for disposal.

    I find wonder and curiosity about this most basic and essential of needs to be of far more benefit than this image. And indeed, one scientist/neurologist agrees: "Even if garbage disposal is sleep's primary task, sleep has become such an integral part of life on this planet that it serves additional functions besides clearing substances out of the brain."

    Now that's what I'm far more interested in. . . .more wonder and curiosity, less certainty.

  2. Oops, I forgot to check the right box for notifications on replies to this thread, and apparently I can only do so through a comment. So, ignore this one, LOL.

  3. Well, that's an explanation of sleep I haven't heard. I think it's cool that our body does some cleansing while we sleep. Like you, I can't go with reducing sleep to just that.
