Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Knowing in Our Spirt

I think we know in our spirit more often than we acknowledge. It's understandable since we associate knowing with our brain and mind and tend to dismiss other ways of knowing.

Knowing in spirit is located in our chest. Place your hand over your breast bone. When we know in our spirit we feel it in and around this area of our chest. Sometimes it's so strong that the feeling radiates up into our throat or down into our solar plexus.

The feeling might be a burning sensation. It might also be a tightness or fullness. It has an immediate emotional charge to it. The emotion varies according to our knowing. It can be fear, anger, hurt, sadness, relief, excitement, happiness, ecstatic joy, or a mix of emotions.

Knowing in our spirit usually happens in a flash, not as the result of reaching a conclusion after a reasoned cognitive process. If intuitive knowing is a flash of cognitive knowing in our mind, knowing in our spirit is a flash of physical-emotional knowing in our chest, in and around our thymus gland. Hence the Ancient Greek association of our spirit (thumos) with our thymus gland.

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