Saturday, September 14, 2013

Is Our Spirit "Spiritual"?

Just as we have  no consensus on the meaning of the word "spirit", so it is with "spiritual." The word "spiritual" can be a synonym for "religious." It can refer to something that is other-worldly, supernatural, or metaphysical.

If spirit is that which makes us alive, then it is no more "spiritual" than our body and mind. It is of and in this world. Our spirit is as much a part of nature as our body and mind. It is as natural as the the wind, rain, and fire. It's not something supernatural or metaphysical. 

The sooner we embrace that our spirit as much a part of nature as everything else in this world, the sooner we can get on with learning more about it. As we learn more about our own spirit, we can also learn more about the spirits of all other living beings.


  1. Hey, I'm glad u r writing on the blog again!!---Tina

  2. Hey! Thanks for reading and posting your comment!
