Thursday, October 2, 2014

Your Spirit at Work

Since spirit is that which makes us alive and our primary work is to survive and stay alive, our work is a spirit-related matter.

Spirit-centered work is life-affirming action taken from and for our own spirit and the spirits of others.

We Work to Sustain our Spirit

We work to provide for ourselves and those in our care the water, food, clothing, shelter, and protection we need to stay alive. Believing that our real work is something greater than sustaining our lives, denies the value of our lives. Is there any greater work that sustaining and promoting life?

Working to provide for ourselves water, food, clothing, shelter and protection easily becomes an opportunity for creativity and the production of art. It becomes an opportunity for each one of us to do what only we can do. Each one us is unique. We each have gifts to share that no one else can share.

The Slow Death of Capitalistic Industry

Capitalistic industry turned work into a form of economic slavery. Owners of the means of production were the slave bosses. Laborers gave their work and freedom in exchange for wages to spend on buying manufactured goods from other owners. It was a pretty good deal for both parties for a while.

Capitalism and its factories are dying a slow death. It's winning its race to the bottom where the cost of manufacturing so-called goods cannot be cut any further. Let us celebrate its demise. 

Emerging New Economies

A new economy continues to emerge. Now, we have the means of production and connection with each other at our finger tips with our computers and the world-wide web. 

Try this:

1.When you are working, pause and become aware of your spirit. Focus your attention on the center of your chest, behind your breast bone and between your breasts- your heart. This is your spirit's home. Breathe into and out of your spirit. Become aware of how your spirit feels at work. Does it feel affirmed or denied? Does it feel in place or not? Does it feel free or constrained? Do you feel that you are free to share your unique gifts at work or not?

Some will find that their work affirms their spirit. Others will not. In which group are you? 

2. Identify what is absolutely essential for you and your family (if you have one) to live. I mean absolutely essential.

Determine the cost of what is essential. Base the cost on where you now live.

Now, identify three things or services you are paying for that are not absolutely essential. You literally can live without them. 

Estimate how much time you spent buying, using, and maintaining those things for the time you have owned them.

What would you do with your time and money if you let go of those non-essential things?


  1. Mark, how did I only just now discover that you keep a blog?! You have been such a light of inspiration and support on my own journey. Great post - excellent and important questions.

    1. Well, hello Hali! What a pleasant surprise! Thanks for commenting and your kind words. Please read and comment more!
