Monday, September 29, 2014

Our Spirit and Sex, Part 1

Our spirit is what makes us alive. We express and share our spirit with others in a variety of ways, with 
our facial affect, speech, tone of voice, gestures and actions.

Sex: A Spirit-Related Matter

Touching is one action by which we express and share our spirit with others. Since sexual touches and embraces are specific ways of touching, they are ways we express and share our spirit with others. So, sex is a spirit-related matter.

Sex as Procreation

In this post I want to highlight two effects of sharing our spirit during sex. The first is procreation. The woman gives birth to her egg. The man labors and with the final push of orgasm gives birth to his seed. His seed races to penetrate her egg. Their bodies and spirits merge at the cellular level and create new life. 

Sex is essential to life. By sex life continues and remains potentially eternal. As long as females and males embrace, eggs and seed merge, and healthy babies are born and nurtured to adulthood, human life goes on.

Sex as procreation-ovulation, sexual embrace, orgasm, conception, gestation, birth, nurturing and protecting our young to adulthood- these are life-affirming celebrations we do well to value and honor deeply.

In part two, I will discuss sex as re-creation and share some experiments to play with. 

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