Thursday, May 1, 2014

Thumotic Living, Part 5: Integrity

Thumotic living is living with integrity. 

When we fulfill the life-affirming desires of our heart, our spiritmindbody acts as a harmonious, integrated whole: our spirit enlivens, our mind chooses, and our body moves to manifest our heart's life-affirming desires.

As a result, we bear fruit and improve the world.


  1. I'm excited. . .I made it into May's blog posts! :-)

    I'm going with the "whole and undivided" portion of the definition on this post, rather than the morality part. Am I correct in that's where this is intended to take me? Integrity can be a loaded word sometimes. I believe that what you are describing is a state of spirit, body and mind moving (or acting) of one accord. Is this accurate?

    I go a step further and ask then, does this mean that living in a way that doesn't fulfill the life-affirming desires of my heart causes disharmony between spirit, mind and body? That each can support a different objective simultaneously?

  2. Yes, let's go with the whole and undivided understanding of integrity! Yes, spiritmindbody acting as an integrated whole is what I'm describing.

    Yes, it is difficult for me to imagine how not fulfilling the life-affirming desires of our heart could have us acting as a harmonious, integrated whole.

    A state in which our mind is pursuing one objective and our spirit another, for example, sure sounds like a state of disharmony and conflict to me.

    Can you think of an example in which such a state would one of integrity and harmony?

  3. I've been considering your question, and honestly, I have not been able to come up with a strong example. The only possibility that occurs to me is the notion of parallel tracks, though I suspect that means that mind and spirit are acting in concert.
