Friday, December 21, 2012

What I believe about spirit

I believe in spirit. Spirit is that which animates, makes alive. I live because of spirit. All that lives lives because of spirit. Spirit is life.

I believe that spirit is of this world rather than an other world. Spirit is as this-worldly as our breath. Spirit is natural rather than supernatural, as natural as the wind.

That I believe in spirit means that I not only believe that spirit exists but I also trust it. I rely on spirit for my life. Spirit is my life.

I believe that everything I encounter is spirited, animated, alive: the sun, moon, planets and stars; the wind, lightning, and clouds; birds and bugs; trees, flowers and shrubs; rivers, streams, and springs; animals on land and in the seas; even Earth herself and her stones. We're all alive.

I value spirit and believe that spirit is worth my close, sustained attention.

I believe that spirits are both alike and different. We are all spirits and yet each one is unique.

I believe that life is richer and healthier for all when we pay close attention to spirit.

I believe that spirit has been and still is neglected and undervalued in Western cultures.

I believe the obstacles to increasing our experience, love, knowledge, wisdom, and mastery of spirit can be overcome.

I believe that overcoming obstacles to spirit and being more mindful of spirit will significantly improve life for everyone.

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