Monday, November 26, 2012


I recently became aware that in Western civilization we have over three thousand years of scientific investigation into physical reality in general and human physiology in particular. We also have centuries of scientific investigation into the human psyche.

Similarly we have modern scientific medicine for our physical bodies and modern scientific psychiatry and psychotherapy for our minds. But what about spirit? Where is the modern Western scientific investigation into spirit in general and the human spirit in particular? Where is the modern scientific therapy for the human spirit?

It seems strange to me that we have little if any modern Western scientific investigation into spirit. Spirit is a common word in our everyday speech. We say things like, "My dog has the sweetest spirit." "That's the spirit!" "I can't be with you in person but I'll be with you in spirit." "The place had such a peaceful spirit about it." "She is a mean spirited woman." We call alcohol spirits and refer to horses as being spirited.

What the phases above and many others like them tell me is that our talk about spirit is not restricted to religious speech. We use the word in common, everyday speech on a regular basis. Neither is it only a metaphor. We experience and know spirit directly in our everyday lives.

So why is there so little modern scientific investigation of spirit? Why is there so little development of a modern therapy for the human spirit?

This blog was born from my heightened awareness of this lack in Western civilization and to need to do something to address it.

Here is where I ask questions about spirit. Here is where I share my experiences of and thoughts about spirit. Here is where I invite others to join me in being mindful of spirit.


  1. I'm very much interested in reading your posts on the topic of spirit. I'm intrigued by your questions regarding scientific inquiry into the nature of spirit. I wonder if one of the reasons why there is not body of scientific work on spirit is because it is not something that is amenable to scientific analysis?

    If I understand your introductory remarks, are you suggesting that there is a course of care for the spirit in the same way that there is for the body or the mind?

  2. Sara, I'm not sure that we know if spirit is or isn't amenable to scientic investigation. I think it depends on the scientist. Some are strict materialists. They assume spirit is not amenable to investigation. Others, for example, those who have investigated consciousness might be more open to investigating spirit.

    Yes, I am suggesting that spirit can be cared for- affirmed, validated, and healed. I'm thinking that if our spirit can be wounded it can alos be healed.
