The purpose of this fundamental exercise is to simply be with our own spirit with complete openness, full acceptance, and kind curiosity. It's to turn our attention to our own spirit and calmly hold it there with no expectations of outcomes.
This exercise affirms, heals, and strengthens our spirit. These benefits increase as we do this exercise on a regular basis over time.
Resources Needed
We need nothing special to do this exercise. We do not have to do this exercise at a predetermined time. We can do it anytime we choose. We do not have to go to or create a special place. We can do this exercise anywhere we choose. We do not have to learn to sit a special way or do anything out of the ordinary with our legs, hands, or posture. Any posture is fine. There is nothing to buy- no books, special clothing, jewelry, images, or paraphernalia. We already have everything we need to do this exercise.
What to Do
Remember, in thumotic spirituality we understand spirit in terms of the Ancient Greek concept of thumos. Our thumos, spirit, is quasi-physical. It is located in the center of our chest, behind our breast bone and between our breasts. We often call it our heart.
Focus your attention there, in the center of your chest, your heart. That's where your spirit resides.
If it helps to close your eyes, close them.
If it helps to put one or both hands over your heart, do so.
If it helps, imagine breathing into and out of your heart when you inhale and exhale.
If your mind wanders to other things, simply return your attention to your heart.
Be aware of your heart beat. You might or might not feel increased warmth in your heart. Either is fine.
Take note of the thoughts, mental images, physical sensations, and emotions as they come and go. They might express the life-affirming desires of your heart. But let them come and let them go.
Continue for as long as feels right to you.
When you stop, try setting your intention to take mindfulness of spirit breaks periodically throughout the day.
It's that simple.
In my next post I will describe how to be mindful of the spirits of others.