The Most Common Challenge
The most common challenge to developing mature, assertive
ways of getting what you need is fear; fear of-
- Leaving your comfort zone of familiar, immature ways
- Unfamiliar, new, different mature ways of getting what you need
- Being responsible for your life
- Being responsible to others for what you say and do
- Failing to succeed at being an adult, taking care of yourself, and living your life
Your fear fades as you become more mature by-
- Choosing to believe in yourself and the value of your life
- Taking small steps in learning assertive, mature ways of getting what you need
- Succeeding in fulfilling the life-affirming desires of your heart
- Learning from your mistakes as you go
- Acknowledging and celebrating your progress
It’s not your fault that your development to mature
adulthood is delayed. The things that delayed your development were beyond your
control. They were beyond your ability to overcome.
However, now you can do something about your delayed
maturity. You can do for yourself the things that weren’t done for you when you
were a child, teen, and young adult. You can do the work it takes to be a mature
adult and sustain your own life. More than that, you can fulfill the
life-affirming desires of your heart. You are alive to fulfill them. We all
need you to do what no one else can do but you.