This I Believe about Our Spirit and Health
I believe that knowing what health is can help us stay healthy. When we are ill or injured, our knowledge, our self-talk about and mental images of health, make it possible for us to do things that help us heal. That’s conventional wisdom these days. This wisdom is especially emphasized by those who believe in mind over matter and mind-body medicine.
Two Things Missing
But there are at least two things missing in the conventional mind-body paradigm: our sociality and spirituality. Conventional mind-body medicine gives little attention to our sociality, the fact that we have social connections with others. Our social connections can either help or hinder our healthiness.
Conventional mind-body medicine also gives little attention to our spirituality. By spirituality I do not mean any of the countless religious, metaphysical, or existential things many of us mean by that word. By spirituality I mean mere the fact that we have spirit. And I what I mean by “spirit” is “that which makes us alive rather than not.”
Our spirituality precedes our physicality, sociality, and mentality. To be physically alive, connected socially with others, and think, we must first have spirit. We must be alive. No spirit? A cadaver. No spirit? No relationships. No spirit? No mind.
The Focus of My Blog for Upcoming Months
The focus of my blog posts for the next few months will be on our spirit. I’ll address the following questions:
What are the characteristics of a healthy spirit?
What are the characteristics of an ill or injured spirit?
What harms our spirit?
What helps heal our spirit?
What is the role of our spirit in our physical health and well-being?
What is the role of our spirit in our social health and well-being?
What is the role of our spirit in our mental health and well-being?
My Goal
My goal is to blog my way to my second book. It will be on spiritual healing.
Feel free to join me in this adventure. I welcome your companionship along the way.