Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Spirit-Centered Drinking, Part 1

Since spirit is that which makes us alive and we must drink water to stay alive, drinking water is a spirit-related matter.

Fresh, clean drinking water is the water of life.

Isn't it interesting that we often take for granted something so essential to life as water?

According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, our brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and our lungs are about 83% water. Our skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even our bones are watery: 31%.

Here is a link to a page of facts about the water on which our lives depend:

How did we get to the point in Western culture of treating the water of life with such little care and respect?

How did we get to this place where we so recklessly pollute the water on which our lives depend  as well as the lives of all other living beings?

Who talked us into giving up our personal responsibility as well as other's responsibility for maintaining the highest quality of the water on which our lives depend?

More importantly, how long are we going to keep polluting the water on which life depends?

At what point will we stop the life-denying practices that pollute our water and threaten all the living?

These are just some of the questions I ask to set the table for talking about spirit-centered drinking of water.

My next few posts will present some practices by which we individually and collectively can make a meaningful difference in how we take care of the water on which we all depend, the water of life. 

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