Saturday, May 17, 2014

Thumotics and Religion, Part Three

Unlike religion, Thumotics is a nature-based view. It's the new science, therapy and spirituality of spirit. 

Like other bodies of knowledge, it is empirically-based. As such it emphasizes all of our senses, especially our ability to see. 

Based on our own experience, Thumotics concludes that we humans can trust our instincts, senses, reason, and intuition to gather information about the world, interpret it, and make decisions for ourselves about how best to live our lives. 

It allows for many ways of knowing and for there to be more to existence than what we can perceive with our physical senses.

It also allows for some of us to know more about some things than others.

In the thumotic perspective, there is no reason to believe that we humans fell from some higher physical or spiritual state to which we need to return in order to fully be who we are. There is no Golden Age, no Paradise, Higher Realm in our past or future. There is the universe, all of nature, in all its glory and wonder.  This, what is, all of nature, is our true home. 

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