Psychology attends to the human mind and its cognitive functions: attention, memory, language, learning, reasoning, problem solving, and decision making. Historically, psychology also included the study of human emotion.
Thumology attends to spirit defined in terms of thumos, "that which makes alive." Its field of study is broader than psychology's because it attends to thumos in all living beings, not just humans.
The primary function of thumos is to animate and enliven. It is prior to cognitive functions and makes cognitive functions possible.
In thumology, thumos and emotions are very closely related if not the same. Emotions are viewed as direct expressions of the thumos.
While thumos has a unique cognitive function in human beings, specifically inner deliberation, the cognitive function is of less importance in thumology than in psychology.
Object of study:
- Psychology: human mind
- Thumology: spirit in all living beings
Functions studied:
- Psychology is primarily the study of the cognitive functions of the human mind
- Thumology is primarily the study of the animating, enlivening function of spirit
- The scope of psychology is primarily human beings
- The scope of thumology is all living beings
- Psychology: emotions are caused by cognitive functions of the mind
- Thumology: emotions are direct expressions of spirit
- Psychology: cognition is limited to the mind
- Thumology: there is a type of cognition associated with the thumos, deliberation
Ontological status:
- Mind must be spirited, alive, to exist
- Spirit does not have to be cognitive to exist. Being spirited precedes being cognitive.