We humans are not the only ones with spirit.
Every living thing has spirit:
Green grass, daffodils, dogwoods, the earth from which they
Copperheads, black cats, wolf dogs, and crows.
Goddesses and gods and all invisible beings.
Rivers, mountains, valleys, and woods.
Lightning, thunder, waves, and wind.
Sun, Moon, planets, and stars- spirit
makes all these and more alive.
What I believe about spirit is deeply Western,
rooted in Homer’s great epics. But Middle Easterners (Christians on a mission) invaded, conquered, and suppressed the West: Even its Renaissance and Enlightenment could not break Christianity’s enslaving shackles.
Christianity’s time is passing. Its dominance is diminishing. As it wanes, its loyal adherents dig in and resist.
Its lukewarm adherents become “spiritual but not religious.” Generic, hybrid monotheists with personal religions.
Its apostates turn Eastward, become agnostics, or embrace
Those who never believed, become more free.
Western science advances.
I’m among those more free. I never truly believed.
I’m in, but not of, Western culture corrupted by Christianity.
What I believe about spirit, puts me in the borderland
between corrupted Western culture and all other cultures.
I’m a spiritual liminalist.