Spirit, breath, and wind is spiritbreathwind. One. The same.
Spirit is breath. Breath is wind.
Where there is breath, there is wind, there is spirit.
No wind, no breath, no spirit.
No spirit, no breath, no wind.
Inspired, we breathe in wind and spirit and become alive.
Our breath is the wind and spirit in our nostrils, mouth, lungs, blood and cells. We inhale and breathe it in. We exhale and return it to inhale it again.
We know not the birth of spiritbreathwind. We know not where it comes from. We know not where it goes or how long it will be. It is a mystery.
Spiritbreathwind is invisible to our eye. We see, hear and feel its affects: Leaves speak rustled words and dance in the wind that rustles our clothes and hair. It has done so since long before we began walking the earth and will do so long after we're gone. It needs us not and yet on it our lives depend.
Sometimes it howls. Sometimes it's unnoticed it's so still. Other times it's gentle, refreshing and inspires a smile. At still other times it's warm, thick, and sultry too. Not just the wind. Our spirit and breathe too.
When we breathe out our last breath, we breath out our spirit into the wind never to breathe it in again. We expire.