In my view, the view I propose for you to adopt if it rings true, the word "spirit" refers to something natural rather than supernatural, metaphysical, religious, or spiritual.
Specifically, "spirit" refers to "that which makes alive."
My understanding of spirit is informed by the Ancient Greek concept of thumos. As such, it is located in the center and heart of our chest.
It is associated with our lungs and breath. It is also associated with our thymus gland due to the gland's location.
Our spirit is the agent of our emotions and a specific type of cognition. It is also associated with our heart when heart is used to refer to our emotions, passions, and deepest desires.
As "that which makes alive" we are either spirited and alive or we are not. When we faint, our spirit leaves and returns. When we die our spirit leaves and does not return.
However, our spirit also varies in degrees. It can be high, low, or neutral. It can be introverted or extroverted. It can be expanded or contracted and vary in other ways as well.
Finally, for now, as "that which makes alive" spirit enlivens every living being. Everything that moves is spirited and alive- animals, plants, the ground beneath our feet, the wind, rivers, springs, oceans, the clouds, lightening, Sun, Moon, all the planets and starts- everything.
So, spirit, that which makes alive, unites us all.
I believe it is time for us to reclaim and redefine spirit as something that is natural rather than supernatural, metaphysical, religious, or spiritual. It is time to develop our knowledge of spirit and redefine both "spiritual" and "spirituality" as well.