I believe in a spirit-focused spirituality that is secular and based on thumology and thumotherapy, the new science and therapeutic care of spirit, rather than on religious and metaphysical beliefs. I believe in what I name thumotic spirituality. It is spirit-focused, life-affirming, empirically based, and rooted in Western traditions while being open to knowledge from other, non-Western sources.
Thumotic spirituality is clearly focused on spirit. In it the findings of both thumology and thumotherapy come together. It is a body of knowledge and practice related to spirit.
Since thumotic spirituality is focused on spirit, unlike some religious and metaphysical traditions, it attends to and puts into practice that which sustains and nurtures life. It values and affirms life in all of its forms, rather than denies and diminishes it.
Since it is based on both thumology and thumotherapy, thumotic spirituality is empirically-based rather than faith-based.
Since it is based on the Ancient Greek understanding of thumos, thumotic spirituality is rooted in Western traditions. However, it remains open to assessing knowledge and practices related to spirit from all sources.
I call on all who are interested in living lives that are spirit-focused, life-affirming, empirically-based, and rooted in Western traditions to join with me in the practice of thumotic spirituality. Together we will help expand the body of knowledge and practices related to our own and other's spirit.